Level 3 Technical Specialist in Teaching Antenatal Yoga (Award)

Total Credits: 6 — Guided Learning Hours: 36 — Total Qualification Time: 64

This qualification is divided into two units, the knowledge unit followed by the skills unit (practical skills learned with the tutor that you then apply to actual class teaching with pregnant students). For the first unit, e-learning resources will be available for recognised centres to use so that learners can access consistent information and test their knowledge before completing worksheets for  centre assessors’ Summative Assessment.

Mother nature is in full force during all three trimesters. By the third trimester — when the fetus is increasing to maximum size – safe and comfortable within the waters of the womb – Antenatal Yoga teachers realise they are sharing the gift of yoga not only with the mothers-to-be but also with the amazing babies who will soon be born. The 3rd trimester is a sacred time as profound changes are taking place psychologically and spiritually in response to the dramatic physical transformations that occur.

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